
Friday 26 May 2017

The Taniwha

When I walk up to the long grass I saw a big creature that was looking out for some people. He run and run and try to get them. The people was scared. They run and run. They got to a place. The creature looked like a creature that eat all of the people in the world. The creature has to eyes and has four legs. With his four legs and his too eyes he  jump and  jump until he got to end. There were  all of the people standing we some sticks in there hands. All of the people trowed the sticks to the creature. Then the creature was so so agree that all of the people trowed the sticks to him. Then the creature was running to go and eat all of the people because they all throw the stick to the creature. It was sad one of the person die because the creature eat him up because he had a broken leg.Screen Shot 2017-05-21 at 1.32.34 PM.png

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