
Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Enjoy being your age

Zdravo I am eleven years old. There are many things I enjoy about being this age.

1.I am able to play different sports.

2.I'm with the same students everyday

3. I get to know my teachers well.

4. We get to learn about our changing bodies.

5. We get to be the student leaders of our school.

6. We get to trail for rep sports teams.

7. We get to dream about what college we'll go to.

8. We get to walk or drive only 2 mins to school.

9. We can have fun walking home with each other. 

Life is to short for not being your age. So be your age and not be someone that isn't your age. Remember at all times that you should enjoy your age and be yourself.

My message to all of yous is to be your age because it's going to be to late if your not going to enjoy your age. Be yourself don't be someone else because it's more better if you be your age then someone else.


  1. Hi Zoe I really enjoyed how you wrote about how you enjoy being your age you also brought out somethings things that your able to do that I didn't know.

    1. Talofa lava Jacquelyn thanks for the comment and thanks for the encouragement I hope to see more of your work to. Thanks for commenting and keep the hard work up. ( I'll visit your blog soon).

      Kindly regards
