
Tuesday, 6 December 2016

My year in room 15

My best thing this year is when the Tamaki College people came and sang songs for us. It was so so beautiful and amazing. I saw my brother at the back sitting on the chair and I was looking at him and he was looking at me too. My other best thing was when we did cross country. The year 1s went, then the year 2 went and then it was the turn of the year 3. Then the year 3 boys went and then the 3 girls went.

It was also fun doing Scratch with Mrs Belt. She is amazing at doing Scratch with room 15. It was amazing doing swimming with the instructor and Mrs Belt was a instructor too for swimming. I think she is amazing at swimming in pools. It was amazing at prize giving for the netball team because I was in the netball team that was called Besties and Sivaenah and Mia were in my netball team. My coach and Manager was Miss Timmy and Mr Moran. They were the best coach and manager ever, the best best coach and manager for 2016 netball team. 

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome review of your year Zoe. We had a fantastic time during our netball season, I look forward to netball next year with the besties too! Keep up the awesome writing!
